




I love the moon and sunsets it is natures gift to us all.............







cool moon, makes u want to get naked and dance around a bonfire or something :-)

this is very springy to me, and it reminds of the cades cove waterfall








Nick....... he's so silly


Monday, March 12, 2001

wow I had a really cool weekend, nick came to see me and we all went to gatlinburg and had a blast, road the go-carts and the sky lift, it was too fun and totally got my mind off everything with patch's dad...................nick is so fun I am really glad he came is raining today even though it was really pretty this morning, just another sign spring is around the corner:-)..........
I am very excited I have an interview with a guy in knoxville who is the station manager of several hundred thousand watt stations there, I am hoping to get a job it would get me back in radio plus get me out of the house and I would be able to still do the web stuff, very cool!!! I can't wait to talk to him and see what the possibilities are.............if I get the job I will post a link to the station site so u all can listen to me on the air via satellite!! wish me luck :-)


Thursday, March 08, 2001

my belly button is a little sore today, not very bad but still sore................still love it though he did a great job really................I am brain dead at this point cause I have been really working hard today, no big deal though I can handle it!.........................have not a clue what I will do with my self this weekend, everyone will be gone and I will be bored!...........Maybe I will go to a movie or something who knows
talked to colleen this morning, she reminded me of the stuff we used to do together we really had a lot of fun.She is one of the only girls I have ever really gotten along with on a constant basis, I mean we have our tiffs but we always are there and we both know it.Brian seems nice, they are good together it is about time she found someone like that.HIs x is a freak she needs to get over stuff an let him see his daughter, I mean how selfish is that, some woman I swear, does she think she will get him back by torturing their child?????That is after all what it boils down too in the long run.
ok story time..................
my mom and dad bought this bad asssssssss house boat it was brand new 33 ft long, had everything u could possibly imagine in conditioner........etc
anyway they bought it in Alabama, so guess what no trailer it was too big for anything the dealership had and we had it for the summer!!!! they put it in the lake and we were like Hell Yeah!!! We went out every weekend on that ting Imean I came home fromwork and packed everything and me and colleen loaded it up and waited for patch to get home.We always had tons of people with us and it was a total party every weekend, we camped on islands and had bonfires and went skinny dipping into wee hours of the night............when it rained all the other boats left the lake and we could stya out cause it was a house boat and all, so we would ave the lake to ourselves those days, not that it wasnt thousands of square feet I mean like four towns worth of man made lake here.......and way we were all sitting around on the shore naked and it started to rain so we just went in swimming, me and colleen where under the water looking up at the rain as it splashed onto the lake it was bad as hell, u have to do it to know how awesome it is, not just the rain and the water but skinny dipping too, that is the cherry on the ice cream sunday:-)......................I mean am I right or what collie???????????



 if I don't look all that happy it is cause u feel kinda loopy right after it is done




Wednesday, March 07, 2001

ok today was really stressful, sean didn't show up till around 1:30 or 2 can't exactly remember cause i was so freaked out by the fact he was not home, I guess like 18 hours late is better than not at all though, forget the fact that we all have new gray hairs and wrinkles cause of it............then we find out patch's dad is dyeing, that his dad's friend was full of crap like we thought, so we had to go spend 400 dollars on an airline ticket today which also means he will be gone till tuesday now, but at least he gets to see his dad before he really goes down hill......................sooooooooooooo when u have a day like today I think u should always do something different at least a little different:-)
went down to tie dye tattoo and had the guy who did sean and patch's nipples re-do my belly button for me..............his name is jordan and he is really cool and very good at his job!!.................and I know why cause it hurt nada, it was great and I am so glad to get my belly button ring back can't wait to have the flower in!!!!!!!!.........................I am posting photos above so u can check it all out for ourselves:-).....................thanks jordan!!!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday, March 06, 2001

sean is now on his way home thank goodness, I have to go western union him some money in a while......I just hope he gets home safe.I know it is an awfully long drive to make alone and I know he has had a rough couple of days down there.And of course dee is not comeing home with him, not that I ever thought she is fffffrrrreeeeeeeeezzzzzzzing here and of course I can't find my robe, guess I will actually have to get dressed before 12 today, which sucks:-( it's not that I am lazy it is just that I have so much to do that I have to get dressed in intervals, you know , brush teeth, makes kids breakfast,brush hair, put dishes in dishwasher,answer phone about 2 billion times while still in bra and panties, ffffffrrrrrrreeeeeeeeezzzzzing all the while,find clothes, get connor a snack and force him to do his work, finally put clothes on and then have to brush the hair all over again and wonder if I really did brush my teeth so I go brush them again, oh and I forgot run back and forth between all this and the pc the whole time to make sure all the ftp's are going through and no freaks like Vinny!!!!!!! are iming me to act like pervs and then say sorry if I offended u cause I ignore his bs the whole time(i.e. hi sexy what r u doing, are u naked, send me a picture.............yeah right, dork I am like 28 years younger than u get real!!!!!) and continue on about his site, that is when I always hit him with u need more on your site, it will only cost u about 250. I'll do it today and send the bill right away:-)................
vinny's sister is connie seleka, the movie star, and they are both totally too rich, inheritence...........must be nice!
Anyway time to go and feed the demons, they are screaming hungry!!!!!!!!


Monday, March 05, 2001

the sun is out again, and still no is so much brighter!!!! it was so dark this morning that I had to turn on the lights in the house, but it is so bright and beautiful now!!!!! I don't know if it is just me or if this happens to everyone but when the sun is out I am so much more happy:-)
.............makes me think of puppies and stuff!!! lol




Monday, March 05, 2001

finally I passed completely out last night from total exhuastion...........I feel like my old self again:-) although still very worried about sean.He is supoosed to leave today at noon to come home and I have not heard from him yet this morning,margo called at 7 this morning but the stupid answering device picked it up before I could get the phone. I am hopeing she is not calling to say sean staid out all night with dee last night................just want him to be safe is all, I mean I am all for love, if she will actually come home with him and be a normal human being then good for sean,but I have a deep feeling she will not be coming back with him. is raining I knew it would not snow this morning.........I let the boys sleep in cause of the rain and Sinjin has no school today anyway.


sean and dee last fall by the lake........she can be nice I guess just really wish she would straighten her act out, cause I love sean and don't like to see him get hurt


Sunday, March 04, 2001

I watched the clock hit 1 then 3 then creep on to 4 this morning finally when it slowly rolled over to six the rain sort of helped me drift off to sleep.Sean called me at 7 he was in tampa at louis's house I was so relieved to know it. He worked his ass off yesterday after bein awake all night cause of dee.Now I know he will be in crack town lookin for her sorry tail by noon today I only can hope he is ok.I wanted to cry, he got home late last night and paced the house for a while then came in my room and said ricki I am going to get her I can't stand it anymore, I wanted to just sit down and cry, and beg him not to go.I knwo she is only gonna hurt him and he may get in trouble bein in that terrible place, i mean even the cops won't go there it is so damn bad.Anyway it drove me crazy knowin he was driving all that way by himself and I know she will not come back with him.she is most likely shacked up with some huge black guy right now, who happens to have a pocket full of crack. I know she will drain sean dry and then send him o his merry way.........I would love to kick her ass totally, I envy margo for she has done it already herself.............she is such a crack ho.........anyway I will be glad when sean is back home the living room seems so empty right now.
I have so much on my mind right now it is unreal I swear...............
anyway got up at 9 this morning,still could not sleep cooked an awesome breakfast, perfect fluffy eggs, eggs can only be cooked to perfection,and must be served totally hot.Other wise just feed them to the dog cause it is a total waste, and u must also have the bacon and biscuits/or toast whatever already cooked before the eggs even come out of the pan, so it all goes together hot. My boys know they better run to the table when I cook cause it may end up thrown out if they let it get cold and they will have to wait for it all to be cooked over again then.............I hate cold food and will not let them eat it.they are totally spoiled because I always make fresh squeezed orange juice they think the tropicana grovestand will simply do, besides it is my way of protesting cause I hated the smell of the juice factory as a kid,besides u can Never replace fresh squeezed specially when u add a couple of real deep orange tangerines...mmmmmmmmmm, but if they are not perfect either I will not have them, I am just a picky eater that is all.After all I did grow up in the citrus capital of the least then it was.
Nick told me he used to have frozen rotten orange fights when he was a kid, I think all kids in Florida did that:-) have to smile when I think about it, I have tried to tell so many people about it before but I don't think they believed me,see the coke company would dump the bad oranges from there seasonal picks in the empty lots of the neighborhoods, and they would freeze when it got cold, they most likely were already frozen when they were dumped.....................all the kids in the neighborhood would line up on either side of the streets and try to destroy the each other with our orange snow balls, it was a blast............still remember walking home all cold and gross, covered in rotten slimy oranges lol.




sorry bri, but it was a long time ago promise no big deal:-) besides I am sure u r the guy she was lookin for


Saturday, March 03, 2001

ok bath room rug dress story:-)~
me and Collie went to the cool ass little bar in old town Montgomery, there were tons of peoples there that night and we had a blast, it was on of my very first visits to a bar, really glad it was with her too, she is special to me:-)....................
anyway we got so drunk my god I passed out on the lady like lol, but that is what makes me special right lol.anyway we lived about four blocks from the house so not that bad(ok it was really bad). But i did not get one date nothin, one guy bought me a drink then left asap, weird. So we left and collie was like grabbing my arm and saying rick r u sure u can do this, i mea I don't want to die before I meet that one guy u know the dream guy I told u about, and I dies laughing at that........but I was all confident and said hay babe i can bring us in(sailor lingo for bringing a ship to port)
oh yeah i forgot there was a band there from texas and the guys had been hitting o collie all damn night.I was like damn she gets four and I get none typical.......anyway we are driving home as I said and i still have some lost moments of that drive which is totally bizzzzare for me cause I have a photographic memory of every moment of my life. We parked the car sideways on the curb in front of this house we lived in which was a brownstone type thing, an old southern style mansion that was divided into apartments. my on and off again boyfriend lived up stairs, he just happened to get home at the same time, what luck(I hated him at the moment), anyway soon as I got up the steppes here comes another car and it is the whole damn band I was like wholly shit now what do we do with these freaks cause bein at a bar with them is one thing but when they follow u home:-(
but for once thank goddess the x was there and ran them all off, to this day he thinks they were there for me lol, I'm not gonna tell any different hehehehehehehe
anyway thought u would laugh ur ass off at that memory collie, coll coll collie!!!!!! lol
luv ya girly


not too bad for just gettin up I mean I have seen worse!:-)

                                            this is what I was wearin last night.....this is for u ColliLlama member my bathroom rug dress oh yeah baby!!!! u know that night kicked ass, and the car was so parked straight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 03, 2001

feelin quite the hottie today ....went out last night and patch almost got in a fight with some of them said damn wonder if she looks that good when she wakes up in the morning............patch was like yeah just as hot and shut the fuck up.....they left right away.........that will always make ur head get big lol
oh well, never seem to get out of the house enough though, not that they interested me in the slightest,I go for the dark and handsome type myself:-)~



Scottish please get better soon I am worried about u boy;-(

Friday, March 02, 2001

well mother nature has seen fit to bless us all with rain again this morning can't really complain since it has been so very bright and beautifull all week long.Plus the new willows desperately need the water and they are already begining to bud so it looks like they will be a success:-) I can not wait untill spring actually arrives and all my flowers start to grow again I already have my whole herb garden laid out so all I am waiting for now is it to stop freezing over some nights.We got a brand new table and umbrella plus chairs last week and they all even match the cool,I love it when stuff just comes together like that, anyway so now we can once again enjoy the beautiful veiw in the back yard from the deck! Plus it really reminds me of Florida, and sometimes I miss home really bad especially right at the end of winter.Can't wait till dad brings the sail boat back up, I want to race in the regadas this year, I can not wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus he said he will help me work out a trade for sky dive lessons in Sevierville, u know they teach me and take me up for my first two jumps, I do their page and search engine dad is pretty cool sometimes :-)




Thursday, March 01, 2001

let me see ur thong......thong tha thong thong thong thong :-)
went to the tanning bed today, left my thong in the car......did not realize untill I got undressed of course.......oh well too late had to go naked damn it that is the third time in the past two weeks once more and I most likely will lose the whole line if it happens again.And I worked hard for it too!!!!!
plus I left my hair clip in the car too..........double damn it on that one


Thursday, March 01, 2001

There's an old song that says 'lift your glasses high, drink
your glasses dry.' and that's just what you'll want to do
today. If you haven't been invited to a party or
celebration, make one of your own and share the beauty and
joy of live and life with your fellow man.



u know u want to strip naked and jump in 


Thursday, March 01, 2001

wow!!! I had time with the stupid shwann man today........I mean what is his deal, he knocks and knocks when no one answers the door don't keep knocking and ringing the door bell.He woke up Connor and I was tryin to take a bath.Then he leaves a little note on the door sayin he came by, no crap the whole neighborhood knows that.Then when I finally get to the door he leaves.....whatever



thanks for all your help Nick.......u really do rulz!!!!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2001

This is really cool! Saw this show today on scientist who were searching these caves for micro organisms that cure cancer.They were looking in the fossilized buroughs of giant ancient worms.The buroughs were really deep in this cave and they looked almost like roots or something off a tree streaching and reaching all throught the hollow parts of the cave. They took the samples they cut off the fosilzed buroughs and sliced them up and could identify what these giant worm like creatures ate hundreds of thousands of years ago!!! The bacteria off the droppings left by them is now being used as a cure for breast cancer.That is so damn cool......who would have known that giant worms could cure cancer:-)
.........ok better get back to work, falling behind seriousely